
Committed to improving the health and wellbeing of individuals

First and Foremost, let me tell you that life has certainly thrown some curveballs my way, but with a positive outlook and a smile on my face, I've learned to adapt and conquer! At 43 years young, I embrace my experiences with cystic fibrosis as a way to connect with others on a deeper level. With over 40 tablets a day that accompany my daily routine, I know that life's challenges have given me a unique perspective that fuels my passion for helping others navigate their own obstacles. The more I've faced in adversity, the more empathy and understanding I've gained for those I guide on their own journeys.

You might find it amusing to know that I took on the challenge of natural bodybuilding physique shows. I wanted to prove that dedication and hard work can lead to remarkable accomplishments! It's not about the trophies; it's about inspiring others to believe in themselves and unleash their hidden potential. Speaking of inspiration, let me give a shout-out to my amazing daughter, Amelia. She is a living testament to the miracles of IVF. She's the light of my life and a constant reminder of the miracles that touch our hearts every day.

In the comfort of my home, I am fortunate to share my life with my beautiful girlfriend, Tanya, and her amazing son, Tristan. Our cozy little corner of the world is filled with love, laughter, and the pitter-patter of furry paws. Speaking of which, let me introduce you to my two beloved dogs, Marlow and Bear. Now, don't get me wrong, they have their moments of "stupendous silliness" that keep us entertained, but we adore them all the same!

Now, let's talk about a couple of quirks that make me unique. I love sweets; they bring a touch of joy to my day. And hey, I firmly believe that life is too short to deny oneself the simple pleasures, right? Now, believe it or not, people say I bear a striking resemblance to Lee Evans, the hilarious comedian. Although, I must admit, I don't see it in myself... Maybe it's my amazing ability to make people smile, lol! I'm also petrified of heights, and my swimming skills... let's just say I don't exactly have the grace of a dolphin. But fear not! My coaching skills are in no way tied to my aquatic abilities.


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